The CFSB Physique Cohort is 12 weeks of additional programming that you’ll perform in place of the strength portion for classes and in many classes depending on your time constraints - the entire class. It will run 4 sessions a week and contain about 60-90 minutes of Functional Bodybuilding Programming that you will receive through the Individual Design Software "FitBot." This is not a coached class - but programming that is designed for the cohort itself for you to perform during Open Gym/Class Hours.
The Physique Cohort at CrossFit South Bend is designed to help you with your aesthetic goals as well as give you a greater foundation for strength when returning to CrossFit classes fully.
Want to gain muscle and mass?
Want to lean out and get shredded?
You can take the Physique Cohort in either direction, this is going to be highly dependent on the diet route you choose.